We all know that sometimes reproductions just will not "get it" with
your clients. Maybe they are collectors and have their own
art collection. But perhaps not? They may look
to you to for suggetions or guidance. Or you may look for a
painting to provide a focal point in a special room, or just to add life
and interest to your overall design.
It is sometimes said that no one notices the artwork on the wall - but
they do notice the "absence" of artwork on the wall. They
may not know what is missing, but the design looks sterile.
This is true from designer homes to cookie cutter motel rooms.
Sometimes one great piece can make the difference.
We offer our gallery as an art source for designers, as well as for your
clients. We hope you will find something that makes your
design sing. But there are lots of artists out there, and we
encourage you to look around. Remember, all art is in the
eye of the beholder!
See also our special
Interior Designers Page.